Monstrously powerful? Horribly destructive? Maybe. But Super? Trust me there was nothing "Super" about that storm or its aftermath!
My wife and I decided to not buy gifts for each other this Christmas. Funds are tight and we still need to buy a car. But Christmas morning my wife handed me a package.
Her next gift was designating the kitchen table for my new workspace. I guess she got tired of seeing me mope around without sculpting.
It will be good to get some clay in my hands again!
Besides sculpting part of my day always involves visiting the shoreline. But it doesn't matter where you walk. There is no place that wasn't impacted by the hurricane.

The storm sand is a darker color due to the combination of bay mud, sewage and God knows what else. After sifting the beach maintenance workers collect it in dump trucks and deposit it along the eroded areas of the beach. Next up is demolishing the remnants of our storm damaged boardwalk!