I'm having a 20% off sale and offering free shipping on purchases of artwork ( after discount ) of $100.00.
Between working on my Etsy listings I braved the supermarket for some last minute supplies.
This year instead of a turkey were doing a roasting chicken stuffed with ( of all things ) White Castle hamburgers!
Here's the recipe in case you think I'm ribbing you:
White Castle Holiday Stuffing
10 White Castle hamburgers, no pickles
1 1/2 cups celery, diced
1 1/4 tsp. ground thyme
1 1/2 tsp. ground sage
3/4 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
1/4 cup chicken broth
In a large mixing bowl, tear the burgers into pieces and add diced celery and seasonings.
Toss and add chicken broth. Toss well.
Stuff cavity of turkey just before roasting. Makes about 9 cups ( enough for a 10 - 12 -pound turkey). Note: Allow 1 hamburger for each pound of turkey, which will be the equivalent of 3/4 cup of stuffing per pound.
Let me know if any of you are brave enough to give it a try!