A dark wash was applied over the stegosaurus to tie the colors together and bring out the texture of the scales.
After the plates were added I moved on to working on the tail spikes. The locations were marked on the tail and then drilled. The spikes were then glued in place. When all the parts of the stegosaurus had been assembled I covered the entire sculpture with a thin layer of Apoxie Sculpt clay.
While the clay was still soft I embedded various sizes of baked Super Sculpey into it to give the dinosaur hide a pebbly armored look.
After the clay had cured overnight I gave the sculpture a couple light coats of white lacquer primer.
The legs were then attached to the body using Zap A Gap glue. I installed the eyes and at that point I began covering the entire stegosaurus in thin applications of Apoxie Sculpt clay.
While the neck area was drying I began making the plates that would adorn the stegosaurs back. I cut basswood slightly smaller then the actual size that the completed plate would be. Over the basswood I applied a veneer of Apoxie clay which I textured to appear aged.The tail spikes were formed of Super Sculpey added over sections of brass rod and wooden dowels.