For fun I took a photo of the bronto in B&W.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Finished Brontosaurus
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Creating A Base For The Brontosaurus
After drilling the holes for bolting the sculptures to the base the wood was sanded, stained and given three coats of polyurethane. For the ground cover on the base I used a 50/50 mix of white glue and water to which I added my soil and leaf litter.This mixture was painted around the tree roots and the trunk of the brontosaur's neck.
While the soil/glue mixture was still wet I worked in some dried moss around the base and partially up the base of the tree.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Painting The Brontosaurus
When I was satisfied with my light toned hi lites I sprayed the sculpture with Krylon clear matt to protect my work. Next I mixed a grayish green color and dry brushed that over over the entire brontosaur.
After another coat of clear Krylon matt spray it was time to give the brontosaur sculpture a wash of thinned down acrylic paints. The wash would help tie the dry brushing work together and accent the scale texture.
When the wash had dried I top coated the brontosaur with Kylon clear matt followed by a light misting of Testors Dull Cote. This left the sculpture with a slight sheen like the brontosaur was still a bit wet after emerging from the swamp to chase the sailors from the rescue party.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Super Sculpey Brontosaurus
He would advise me to any changes he would like made and I'd rework the sculpture. We went through three revisions of the brontosaur's look till we hit upon the one that pleased him.
At that point I stripped the polymer clay from the wooden skull and switched over to sculpting in Apoxie Sculpt clay. The final sculpture was built up in layers allowing each layer to cure before adding the next.
The final layer of Apoxie Sculpt was given a scaly texture. Here is the finished brontosaurus posed in front of the unpainted sailor and tree trunk.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Brontosaurus Update
Once I had all the teeth secured I began sculpting the gums and interior of the mouth with Apoxie Sculpt clay.When the clay had cured the mouth was painted with acrylics and given a top coat of clear gloss lacquer.
After the teeth and interior of the mouth where completed I could glue the balsa wood skull halves together.
Sculpting The Brontosaurus From King Kong
The teeth were sculpted of Super Sculpey clay over a stiff piece of wire.
When I had my teeth completed I baked them at 350 degrees to harden them.
The teeth were then taken outside and sprayed with white primer.
Painting The Tree
Next I dry brushed some brown over the whole tree trunk.
After dry brushing the trunk it was sprayed with Krylon clear matt and then given a wash of dark acrylic paint to hi lite the texture of the bark.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Update On Working On The Tree
Next I coated the Styrofoam with mache and drilled holes in the wood block base to accept sections of wire coat hanger. The wire would be the foundation for the trunks roots.
After the mache had dried I began building up the tree trunk in Apoxie Sculpt clay.
I drilled a hole in the trunk where the unlucky sailor would be positioned and inserted a section of brass rod. The rod would serve as a post to secure the armature of the sailor figure.
After the first application of Apoxie Sculpt had cured I applied a top coat which I textured to look like bark. Then it was on to beginning the sculpting of the brontosaur's helpless victim.
Sculpting The Brontosaurus From King Kong
I began by cutting a block of wood which would be the base of the tree.I affixed a nut into the wood so the finished tree could be securely bolted to a display base.
Next I screwed a couple of pieces of metal strip to the block which I covered with some Apoxie Sculpt clay. I gently pressed a wooden dowel into the top of the clay to make an impression. When it had cured I attached the dowel which would be the spine of my tree.
After gluing the dowel in place I checked the tree size next to the aluminum wire and Styrofoam armature of the brontosaur.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Finishing The Son Of Kong Model
Using 5 minute epoxy I glued the model to the base. In the near future I will be sculpting a cave bear to menace little Kong.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Son Of Kong Update
While the model was drying I set to work on the base. Apoxie Sculpt clay was added where the Kong figure would stand. I then pressed the models feet into the soft clay to make an impression. Now the bottoms of the feet would make solid contact with the base when time came to assemble it.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Dry Brushing Son of Kong
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Son Of Kong
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Son of Kong Project
The model had a manacle on the wrist of the raised arm that had to be ground off. After grinding and resculpting the area with Apoxie Sculpt clay I drilled out the hand to accept a wooden dowel.
Next I began building up the log by gluing balsa wood over the dowel.After sealing the wood I added some paper mache to rough out the shape of the log.
I then covered the mache with Apoxie Sculpt and gave it a wood texture. When the clay had cured I sprayed it with grey lacquer primer.
Using acrylics I painted the log and gave it a wash to bring out the detail. The final step was gluing on dried moss to the base of the log.