I decided on making crab cakes for dinner. Generally I use backfin or lump crab but since claw meat was on sale that was what I went with.
I keep my recipe fairly simple because I don't want to over power the flavor of the crab.
1 pound Blue crab meat
4 unsalted Saltine crackers crushed
1 egg beaten
1/4 cup Hellmann's mayonnaise
2 small scallions chopped
1 Tbsp red pepper chopped
1 Tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 Tsp Hot sauce
1 Tbsp Old Bay seasoning
Extra virgin olive oil (for frying)
flavored bread crumbs (for coating the crab cakes)
After checking over the crab for cartilage or bits of shell I add the meat to a large mixing bowl.
I sprinkle the Old Bay seasoning, scallion, red pepper and crushed cracker crumb over the crab.
In a separate bowl I mix together the rest of the ingredients which I then spoon over the crab. Using a spatula I gently turn the crab to mix it trying not to break up the chunks of meat.
After letting it sit in the fridge for an hour or so I form the cakes. I usually end up with about 7 cakes. The cakes are then pressed into flavored breadcrumbs and fried in extra virgin olive oil 4 or 5 minutes per side till they are nicely browned.
With the crab cakes we are having scallops and shrimp which were marinated a few hours in garlic and oil with a few dashes of habanero pepper sauce.