The salon I went to provides free haircuts to anyone that donates their hair to Locks of Love. After the gal cut off my ponytail she kept fussing over my hair and I told her it doesn't matter because its getting shaved off tomorrow!
But she wouldn't hear of it! She insisted that I have a good haircut for one last day! It must be a woman/hair thing.
Which brings to mind one St.Patty's day when my wife Diane tried her hand at creating a mohawk before the final shaving.
Now I have photos of the whole haircutting episode but she forbids me from posting them because in the pictures her hair is messy and she is in her pajamas!
This year if I can raise $250.00 dollars by March 17th I'll be getting a curly perm! I'm imagining it will look something like Will Ferrel if he stuck his finger in a wall outlet.
And if I can raise $1500. by July 10th I'll dye my hair the color chosen by the person that makes the largest donation before shaving it off. So please consider supporting my fundraising efforts by donating: http://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/519758/2012
Each year I also auction some of my artwork with a percentage going to benefit St.Baldrick's. Right now I have one of my dinosaur sculptures up for auction: Stegosaurus Dinosaur Sculpture eBay